Jan 24, 20223 min

Manifesting and Mimosas: how I chose to do my vision board this year

For the year 2022, I wanted to do something different regarding doing my resolutions. Before the end of the year, this one ad kept coming across my feed. It was an ad for an event called manifesting and mimosas and it was being held on January 2nd. Even better, I knew the impressive person who was holding the event, Mandi Briggs. Even better better, you get to create vision boards to facilitate your resolutions into the New Year, whilst having delicious mimosas.

I walked into a cute and quaint space that was inviting and immediately put me in a comfortable mind space to create. There was a sitting area with tables that were set up for us. There were art materials (scissors, poster boards, glue sticks and stacks of magazine. Where Mandi stood and held her presentation, there was another table that held its special guests: the snacks and MIMOSAS. You had a choice of either OJ or cranberry juice.

When I have done vision boards in the past, there was no organizational style to or about it. I would just pour over some old magazines, pick some pictures, glue it on the poster board and then for some reason, hid it in my closet. I am sure, that is not going to inspire anything. I loved how Mandi had a better idea to cohesively gather your thoughts and simplify them. We had a workbook that we get to work in. You get a chance to reflect on the past, “the now” and you get a chance to talk to your future self on what goals you are wanting to achieve.

For me:

For me, the reflection into the past, is always good. When you are in the thick of it, you do not have time to take stock in your progress. In the past year, I did the damn thing…. I got divorced, became a single parent to two, decided to take a leap of faith and start my passion project: my wholistic blog. It was scary when I did it, I just had to keep my focus on my blinding faith in it.

Looking in “the now,” for me, is not hard since I do that all day. Lol. One of the differences is that I am more self-aware than I was before. I also know that action/words are a two-part deal. You really cannot do one without the other. what, do you mean you cannot just wish for it?

You must have action behind your goals:

  • Have a to do list

  • Have a goal marker

  • Keep track and if there are no movements, go in the house another way. Sit down and rework your goals

Coming up for a blueprint for the future that gave me some trouble. This is where most people could get tripped up. if you have a specific idea in mind of how you want to do something and it does not happen, you could dwell in it and give up. its sometimes harder to shift the mind and go another way. We need to take those opportunities, learn from them, remember the lesson, and tweak it. Its amazing where support should and needs to come into play.


Once we got the serious stuff out the way, it was time to go through the magazines. This to me is the fun part. So much like the workbook exercises, I decided to organize the board into sections, so I knew what to get and where it went on the board:

  • House/home life

  • Love

  • Career

  • How to relax(traveling)

  • Inspiring words

  • Money

I felt so satisfied after I was done. To end the event, we were gifted a personal card that had an inspirational phrase

“it’s a far brighter world because you’re in it”

MH Clark

What a way to start off the year.

NOTE: normally I would show a picture of what I produced, however, since a vision board is personal, I am going to keep it to myself.