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Compression Lymphatic Drainage Message

At Perfectionist Face & Body Therapies in Edmond, Oklahoma, a skilled therapist technicians provide full-body lymphatic-drainage massages to boost blood circulation, ease chronic pain, and relax muscles. This procedure promotes Health and Beauty from within, Prevention Diseases and Healthy Aging.

My Experience:

Length: 1 hour

Sessions: I did a total of 3

Attire: long sleeve shirt, leggings, and socks

Before and After care: Do Not eat 1 hour before or 1-2 hours after

Research Discovery:

The benefits of the compression lymphatic drainage massage are plentiful. I found out that there are different types of this particular wholistic massage therapy. The most common and well-known process would be to go visit a masseuse to receive a massage by a person. The next option type would be to use a self-purchased message gun or other lymphatic drainage devices. Last and certainly not least there is a system or rather a suit that attaches through your feet with specialized boots that facilitate a connection with your legs and thighs, hips, stomach and arms. This new full-body system applies pressure in a smooth and rhythmic cycle over your entire body for an hour. I have just experienced the suit and I want to tell you all about it!

Related Treatment Benefits that interested me:

• Treatment & prevention of cellulite at any stage

• Improvement of digestion & intestinal functionality

• Reduction of body volume & strengthening the skin

• Detoxification of the body

• General well being

• Improvement of blood circulation in the limbs, metabolism & lymph flow

• Treatment of various swelling, reduction of scars, recovering after thrombus removal


Drink plenty of water

Session 1 & 2:

The reasons behind my interest in this procedure stem from my recent joint pain and fibromyalgia. I had a plan to implement my enemas alongside doing this procedure

Walking into the Perfectionist Face & Body Therapies for the first time I went in with an open mind. I was led back to a room and then I was then told to put on this long sleeve shirt, since it was my first time, I did not bring my own long sleeve shirt, but did bring my own for the next two sessions. Next, I laid on a table as a special suit was put on me. I was a little petite for the suit in some places more than others. Likewise, for my arms, they had to tie the suite down so it would stay on.

Once the suite was secure, the technician adjusted the pressure that had to be determined by me, based on my comfort level. I wanted the pressure to be just at the point of pain but not too much. Once that was determined, I was left along with a really neat visual display machine that showed stars and the milky way in the dark on the wall. Talk about RELAXING. I totally zoned out and was able to just be, without thinking or stressing. I think I even fell asleep a few times. I have to say for my first experience I was a satisfied customer. I loved it so much, the minute I left, I made another appointment.

Session 3:

The third session was a bit different. I was told about a session package that was sold where you get 30 mins of a sauna and 30 mins of the compression lymphatic drainage massage. What is my motto: I’ll try anything at least once. So, your girl went for it.

The benefits of a sauna include:

Benefits of a sauna:

• Easing pain

• Reducing cardiovascular health

• Skin problems/improves it

• Asthma

• Lower risk of Alzheimer’s

• Improves overall health/wellness/performance

• Aids in recovering after intense physical activity, relaxes sore muscles and soothes aches

• Flushes toxins via sweating

• Improves brain health

• Relieves stress

• Induces deeper sleep

• Fight illness

• Burns calories

The sauna room was not your average typical sauna where you are sitting in an enclosed room with a bench and a radio. This one is you get to lay down, naked and the technicians wrap you in a plastic bag material, to ensure sweating. Before I started, I was told that if I felt too hot, I could push the top down. Next, after getting in the sauna you are able to adjust the top part to slide over you so if feels like you are in a tunnel or dome.

When I first started pushing the top down, I was worried I would not get the full effect, however that was not true. Being wrapped in the plastic bag, kept the heat in. Well, I thought for sure since I was laying down that I would be able to withstand the heat with the top part all the way up, NOPE, your girl had to push the top down a few times, to the point that when the session was over, the top was pushed all the way down near the top of my knees.

Once the sauna session had ended and I got off the table, I was dripping in my own sweat. Did I care, heck nah, I just did some serious detoxing. Then after drying off and putting my clothes back on, I headed to the next room to get the massage. I don’t know if because I was ALREADY totally relaxed before to then became even more relaxed which at that point I did not even think was possible, but I feel like I went into a meditative state of mind; I am not sure. If you do not know, does it mean it still happened. Who knows?

Wholistic Affect: Mind, Body, and Soul.

Body: I think this one is the easiest and obvious, the outer appearance, something you can see with your eyes.

Mind: The mind was positively affected overcoming my hesitation to experience something new and was able to achieve peace from constant thought.

Soul: I felt this process fed my soul with the relaxation on my body and calming of my mind I was able to soothe my soul and achieve overall wholistic balance.


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